Wow! Recommended by Word of Mouth

Word of Web Word of Mouth on the Web Word of Mouth on the Web - Sydney Reviewed and Recommended Recommended by Word of Mouth on the Web


Recommended Sydney's Gyms, Personal Trainers and Fitness Centres recommended by word of mouth by their customers.


Jump Start Personal Trainers, Fitness First St Leonards, Living Well [Now Fitness First] North Sydney, Hiscoes Squash & Fitness Centre Surry Hills, Fernwood in Parramatta, Living Well Premier at the Hilton Hotel in Pitt Street, Sydney, Virgin Active Health Club at Frenches Forest and Coogee Beach Gym Coogee all recommended by their customers. Only gyms and personal trainers recommended by word of mouth by their customers are listed:



Virgin Active Health Club

16 Rodborough Road 9975 8600
  Frenchs Forest NSW 2086  

"New large gym. New equipment, enthusiastic staff and great classes. Swimming Pool, cafe, free computers access and newspapers and excellent child minding. Fitness First has a battle on its hands" Colin


"Virgin Active at Frenchs Forest is by far and away the best gym I have ever been to. I was tossing up between Fitness First and Virgin Active and chose Virgin Active because of their facilities. To start with they have a 25 metre pool, sauna, spa ... the list is endless and the same can be said for their equipment and number of classes. It's like a smorgasbord. I love it!"Jane


Jump Start

20 Cammeray rd, 0417 66 2294
Personal Trainers Cammeray NSW 2062  

"my Jump Start trainer is excellent. Personable, professional and fun. AND, I'm in much better shape and I enjoy it" Bronwen



Cnr Aird & Marsden St

9806 0202
  Parramatta NSW 2150  

Ladies only. Sorry guys. Friendly staff, clean. great range of classes available with a wide range of customers. Fernwood is less gym more club. A club to be at rather than just pose at.



Fitness First Ex Living Well - North Sydney

100 Walker St

9956 5533
  North Sydney NSW 2060  

"Good trainers, brilliant ab machines and open Sundays (unlike Fitness First). Living Well is the best gym in North Sydney" Colin

[Update - Living Well in North Sydney has been bought out by Fitness First. the ab machines are still there but are starting to look a little the worse for wear. North Sydney Fitness First is open Sunday mornings]


Fitness First - St Leonards

55 Christie Street 9906 5997
  St Leonards NSW  

"Spacious, friendly, excellent child minders, top class gym. Only complaint is the lack of parking"


Hiscoes Squash & Fitness Centre

525 Crown Street 9699 9222
Surry Hills Surry Hills 2011  

"The people here are brilliant. This feels like a real club and not just a money grabbing outfit"


Living Well Premier Health and Fitness Centre

Hilton Hotel, 3/255 Pitt Street 9273 8800
  Sydney 2000  

"I absolutely love my gym. LivingWell Premier at Sydney Hilton (Pitt Street). The staff are friendly, the service is exceptional and the facilities the same. I highly recommend LivingWell Premier"

"I love my gym and enjoy my exercises. LivingWell Health Club a Sydney Hilton (Pitt Street). The staff are friendly, the service is excellent and the facilities are great. I highly recommend LivingWell Premier"



Coogee Beach Gym

31a Alfreda Street 9665 4058
  Coogee NSW 2034  

"Traditional gym, no air conditioning or fancy machines but lots of room, good advice and no pretentious to be anything than a great gym"


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